Sunday School

All Ages | Sunday 9:45 am

Sunday School is best defined as the avenue by which the local church is reaching people by teaching people. It is not a “little church,” but rather a time and place for all ages to gather together around God’s Holy Word and begin the day by centering our attention on Christ alone and the lessons taught and preserved in Scripture! 

Mission Friends

2-6 years | Wednesday 7:00 pm

Introduces boys and girls ages birth through kindergarten to God’s love for all people around the world.  Children will begin to understand God through the truths from His Word and how He wants everyone to know Jesus.

Young Missions Group

(Formerly GAs and RAs)

6-12 years | Wednesday 7:00 pm

Creates an environment that connects young girls and boys to missionaries serving around the world through stories and hands-on projects. Our goal is to see children develop spiritually as they learn to pray, learn God’s Word, and learn to obey what God is saying to them. Get the church of tomorrow involved in sharing Jesus with the people they know and meet today!

Youth Group

(formerly Acteens/LADS)

13-18 years | Wednesday 7:00 pm

Special classes designed for teenagers to guide them to become actively involved in missions and ministry. What happens in missions’ discipleship doesn’t just stay within the walls of the church; young people are challenged to live their lives openly for Christ in a very authentic and influential way. They grow to see that God can use them every day in countless ways to change their world.

Baptist Women

19+ years | 3rd Wednesday 7:00 pm

Our unwavering focus is making disciples of Jesus who live on mission. We carry out this mission by 1) providing missions discipleship resources for churches and individuals, 2) offering opportunities to engage with compassion ministries, and 3) equipping people through leadership development experiences.


19+ years | 3rd Wednesday 7:00 pm

One important function of a brotherhood group within the Baptist Church is for Christian men to fellowship with one another. The Bible says that iron sharpens iron, so the goal of fellowship is to allow men to meet in a social setting and discuss issues that Christian men face on a daily basis.

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
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